Four years since the founding of the Zorrotzaurre Contracting Board


Four years since the founding of the Zorrotzaurre Contracting Board


Today is the fourth anniversary of the foundation of the Contracting Board of Execution Unit 1 of the Integrated Action 1 of Zorrotzaurre.

The Contracting Board is responsible for the development of the said Execution Unit 1, which comprises the right bank of the Deusto Canal and the northern and southern ends of the future island, totalling 389,654m².

Its main actions so far have been the drawing up and processing of the Plot Reorganisation Project and the Urbanisation Project. The demolition of the industrial buildings that are not being conserved is underway as are the urbanisation works.

The Board, was founded by five public and private property owners: The Basque Government, Visesa, Bilbao City Council, Sociedad Promotora Inmobiliaria Margen Derecha and Vicinay Cadenas. Five further private property owners have joined the Board since then.

These ten proprietors own between them 83.22% of the area covered by the Execution Unit 1.

The current Chairman is Carlos Quindós Fernández, General Manager of Visesa.

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